Sunday, April 15, 2007

Ellie - sound artist studios

I saw a performance by Monolake at the Pompidou centre in Paris earlier this year and was fascinated by how a piece of audio art was translated into a visual artwork. The performance encouraged me to close my eyes and to imagine how the acoustics would look, but similarly to try and close my ears and to imagine how the visual piece would sound. My project is a research
into how people can experience a space without relying purely on their visual senses. I’ve been experimenting with mass of space together with materiality of space to work towards creating a sensory installation piece.

The function for my space is a studio space for artists to create libraries of sounds, which can be used to create audio artworks, hopefully to be experienced by the general public in a performance space within the interior of the old warehouse. I want to translate information from one sensory experience into another. I want to take the audio information I have collected from in and around the site and literally use this information to design the visual layout of my design. Currently with my conceptual models I’m trying to explore (in a visual way) the acoustic experience of passing through thresholds between large-expansive spaces through to small-enclosed spaces.

1 comment:

Rubbena said...

This sound like an interesting and an exciting idea!